Privacy declaration

Processing personal data

This document (file in the sense of the NGPR) sets out how the Leiden Jazz History Foundation, acting under the name Leiden Jazz Award (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation), handles the (personal) data entrusted to it, with which bodies the data is shared and why, and how the consent of the data subjects is regulated.
The privacy statement of the foundation is also included in this file, and it describes how the privacy statement is brought to the attention of all those who are involved with the foundation.

1. Whose data is kept
2. What data is stored
3. How are these data stored
4. The files
5. With whom are the data shared
6. What are the data used for
7. Control decisions regarding the AGV
Privacy declaration

1. Whose data is stored
The secretariat and treasurer of the Foundation store and edit data from all participants in the annual competition, the Dutch conservatoires, sponsors, donors and other legal entities that contribute to the realization and realization of the annual competition that the Foundation issues and provides.
Finally, the foundation stores data from and about regional press agencies and subsidizing institutions.

2. What data is stored
Secretary and treasurer each keep an overview of participants, conservatories, subsidisers, sponsors and such legal entities who are registered with the Foundation. As well as officials acting on behalf of these legal entities, such as board members, webmasters, financial contacts.
The settings are saved:
Web address (url), Web address (url) of the periodic publications of these institutions (newsletters, magazines, magazines, etc.), Contact address (e-mail address), Contacts and their e-mail address: - Name and function, - Functional e-mail addresses such as: info @, treasurer @ , chairman @ and so on or, if these are not available, - the private mail addresses of the relevant officials. If applicable: the physical correspondence address
In addition, the participants of the competition are kept:
Name, date of birth and place, Conservatory where it is registered, Email address, Eventual web address, A photo, A curriculum vitae, Bank details (account number)

3. How are these data stored
The data is stored in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets ‘Contacts 20xx.xlsx’ for the annual subsidies or contributions for the competition organized by the Foundation.
In the spreadsheet ‘and’ Participant 20xx.xlsx ‘for all the information mentioned above under 2 with respect to the aforementioned participants and their representatives, insofar as these are relevant to the competition website and the dissemination of information far this competition. In addition, in the spreadsheet ‘Relationfile.xlsx’ information is kept for internal use with regard to subsidizing institutions, press contacts, venues and volunteers who support the activities of the Foundation. The Sheets are stored in Google Docs / Google Drive and on the personal computers of the secretary and the treasurer. Of these files, a back-up is periodically produced and is also stored in ‘the cloud’.
To the extent that the Foundation has been able to establish all servers in Europe / Netherlands.
The spreadsheets are protected with a password. The treasurer’s computer is secured with professional Avast software against burglary, hacking and the like.

4. The files
Used abbreviations: N = name / No (organization name), A = address, W = place of residence (including the postcode), E = email, T = phone

Spreadsheet ‘Contacts’:
Name (organization), Place (organization), Invoice Date, Date Reminder, Date Paid, Amount, Email financial contact, Name financial contact
The information was collected by the treasurer of the Foundation and checked for correctness by those involved. This check is also intended to obtain explicit permission for the use of said data for the collection of the participant’s contribution.

Spreadsheet ‘Relationship file’
Divided over several tabs, the information gathered centrally, for the benefit of the secretariat, is necessary or useful for the realization of the objectives of the Foundation.
1. Affiliated organizations: NoAWTE - This information is derived from public sources: generally the website of the relevant organization.
2. Webmasters: NoNWE - This information is derived from public sources: in general the website of the relevant organization.
3. Sheets: Naan organization; NE - This information is derived from public sources: in general the website of the relevant organization.
4. Board: NAWTE of the directors of the Foundation, the committee of recommendation, members of the working groups and the editors of the website - this information was made available by the persons concerned to the board
5. Regional media: NE - This information is derived from public sources: generally the website of the organization in question.
6. Funds: NAWE - This information is derived from public sources: generally the website of the organization in question
7. Sponsors: NAWE - This information is derived from public sources: in general the website of the organization in question

Spreadsheet ‘participants’
Name and surname of the participant, Date of birth, Place of birth, Name of the conservatory, Instrument, Street and house number of place of residence, ZIP code and place of residence, Telephone / e-mail / site, Preferred day of round, Names of supervisor (s), Date of birth of supervisors, If the candidate is admitted the bank number is added to the competition.

5. With whom are the data shared
The Foundation will retain the aforementioned information exclusively for the benefit of the Foundation and the tasks entrusted to its management, such as the management of the website and the collection of the contributions for the maintenance of this website. The data is not shared with any external party.

6. What are the data used for
The data made available to the Foundation are used for the following activities:
1. Invoicing for the contribution to the creation of the competition (or the donation) is done once a year via email. On this occasion, a reminder will be sent no more than twice, also by email;
2. Announcements of periodic meetings or meetings.
3. Press releases about the competition, participants and winners.

7. Governance decisions regarding the NGPR
If the board of the Foundation is of the opinion that a formal issue from the law constitutes an unreasonably heavy burden for the Foundation as a small organization, the board will make a reasoned decision about it. If this is the case, then the relevant decision will be recorded in the NGPR file as a board decision on the NGPR.
The Foundation will not appoint, or need to appoint, any Data Protection Officer due to its size and the nature of the stored information. This task is fulfilled by a designated board member: the Treasurer in consultation with the Secretary.

Privacy declaration
The Leiden Jazz History / Leiden Jazz Award Foundation registers participants, volunteers and drivers such as name, address, place of residence, e-mail address and other information to the extent that these are necessary for the annual competition or the implementation of the sponsorship (membership) or the processing a one-off gift. We provide your data - if applicable - exclusively to parties that perform services for our foundation. All information entrusted to us is treated confidentially by us and our suppliers.
Your email address will only be used to send information that concerns our foundation.
Your data will only be used for the purposes for which it was obtained.
You can unsubscribe as a donor at any time. Send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
You can also give address changes and other changes to our secretariat.
The Leiden Jazz History / Leiden Jazz Award Foundation ensures proper and appropriate protection (both technically and physically) of the (personal) files entrusted to it.